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In-house manufacture of forged gears

For gears to interlock properly in a gearbox and the rotary motion of one gear to be transmitted to the next, you need to start with a high quality production process for the gears.

DF Precision Group in Düsseldorf uses cold forging presses constructed for the express purpose of gear manufacturing. Our process guarantees an optimum precision of fit for gears.

Among others, we produce the gears for companies in the automotive sector. In this sector in particular, we supply our customers with gear shafts we produce using the metal pressing method and which are used in electric vehicles. In addition, we produce high-quality drive shafts for gear boxes in mechanical engineering and plant construction.

Cold forged gears for better gear box quality

The gears transformed using the cold forging process at our company are high-strength and high-grade after the last step of the process. The individual cog components are perfectly adapted to your production needs and are highly robust. Accordingly, they are ideal for everyday use and have a very long service life. This becomes particularly evident during regular maintenance of your machinery or motor vehicles.

One of our special services is the production of skew bevel gears and bevel pinions. These are mainly used for cases that involve high torque and a great deal of motion. Of course, we will also manufacture spur and crown gears for you, since spur gears in particular are some of the most commonly used gears.

In contrast to milled gears, using the cold forging process we ensure that the gears function perfectly, while generating barely perceptible noise and with high stability, and that they can withstand significantly higher loads. This is mainly due to the fact that the cog surfaces are compacted and the cog root transitions are optimized.

Forging has the further advantage of not breaking the grain structure within the gear, meaning that the gear can transmit a considerably higher load. In addition, the cold forging process ensures that the cog root weakens demonstrably later compared to milled gear cogs. The even distribution of loads on the gears is another positive effect.

Contact us today! We look forward to hearing from you!

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